Monday, July 23, 2007

The latest from Ki

Hi friends and family,

Sorry it's been so long.

Vava's halfway PET and CT scans came back with the news that "60-80% of cancer is gone-partial very good response to chemotherapy". When we spoke with the oncologist, she reported it was more on the 80% side, the tumor was mostly gone, there were no longer nodes below the diaphragm showing cancer.

This means no radiation below the diaphragm, which is great news for her, her ovaries and us. She will have radiation above, which is a drag....there were still nodes in the neck and above the clavicle that showed cancer.

So on we go with the chemo.

Vava is off to Camp Goodtimes on Vashon Island early August, which is the same camp she has been to the last 4 years, but for two weeks each summer it becomes a cancer kids camp staffed with docs and nurses who do the pills, etc. Which, frankly, will be a fabulous break for us. So many pills, changing doses, etc,....did I tell you how I OD'ed her on pain meds once?
Oh yeah, THAT was traumatic.

Vava has heard much about the camp, and is most excited about having a whipped cream fight and then being sprayed with firehoses by the local firemen. Yeah, that does sound good. Kinky, but good.

The worst thing about this journey at this point is that it is not over.

The novelty has worn off, and the routine remains. Vava doesn't like the 'puffiness' from the steroids, she has more problems with pain; stomach, mouth, legs & feet. There are weird side effects like certain muscles in the feet don't work, so sometimes her feet drag....Endless appointments, OMG, endless. But the chemo protocol has changed; instead of chemo for 15 days every three weeks, it's moved to 4 weeks, so in that breather week we get to play more. We went camping up in Port Townsend, and will go on a 4 day Cascade Mountain Loop soon. Wahoo!
Vava is growing the cutest white fuzzy hair right now! Maybe she'll be a blonde!

Thanks for thinking of us.