Food, coffee and other helpful spots near the clinic
Gift card ideas to make life easier
* Atlas Cafe (U Village)
* Great Harvest Bread Co (Sand Point Way)
* Starbuck's (U Village)
* Tully's (at Children's)
* Sand Point Grill (near City People's)
* Jak's (sandwich place on Sand Point)
* Valarmos Pizza (on Sand Point Way)
* Spa Scotta (U Village)
* Katterman's Pharmacy (Sand Point Way)
Meal prep instructions
Please be aware that Vava's immune system is compromised. If you have illness in your family, you should postpone your planned meal prep/delivery to a later date. Though you may feel healthy you'll still need to keep hands and containers veryclean (use disposables, please). We also recommend you bring meals that can be popped into the freezer in case family plans/needs change.
Please be sure to e-mail Aunt Joanie and Aunt Ellen to schedule your meal and arrange delivery. Thank you!