Thursday, April 12, 2007

From Ki

Before we get any further down the road of fabulous meals, I'd like to say thank you SO MUCH to the chefs who have brightened our dreary days in the hospital and since we've been home: Joanie's yummy chicken and OMG cocoanut cake, Gwen for her delicious lamb stew and smuggled wine and beers, Jackie's rib eye steak and grilled veggies-I thought I died and went to heaven and more smuggled wine, Dan and Colleen oh yeah picnic paradise and MORE wine, Loretta and Gerard Easter action and lots of presents, Joy, who cooked up the most glorious 3 layer pecan cake with a technicolor salad and a crazy pie/meat thing that we HOGGED, Virginia and Brad Italians DO IT so good pasta and chocolate mousse, Elizabeth: lunches and Macrina treats again and again, Ellen and Michael for Indian Lamb and pappadums that rocked the house...Gwen again and again....

Really, I am not writing this to intimidate anyone, but it has been DAMN good! Am I And your cooking has been really helpful, as I am still in rehearsal. The show opens May 10 and then I will be FREE to be a full time mom and caregiver.

Thank you again. Your love kindness is helping us so much....Vava just finished round 1...we are waiting for the hair to go. She is in pretty good spirits, all things considered. And she continues to crack lots of jokes and laugh! Oh, her glorious laugh!

Again, Thanks.


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