We are still in limbo for the moment, diagnosis-wise, with the prevailing but not definitive opinion being that Vava has Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Our team of doctors and pathologists will either be able to arrive at a final determination any minute now based on workups to date, V’s overall clinical picture and any new findings from their continued analysis of tissue samples already harvested, OR they will need to get more tissue to try to find the telltale Reed-Stenberg cell so they can achieve great enough certainty that this is in fact Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. The thinking is that a third biopsy, if needed would b
e the charm. Should they decide to undertake it, this next excavation (as they call it) will be much more invasive so will require anesthesia (due to needing a much larger sample than has been extracted by the previous two needle biopsies), and putting V all the way under is a serious matter because her airway is already compromised by the tumor, and anesthesia stops the body’s automatic breathing mechanisms. We are very much hoping to learn in the morning (Monday, 4/2) whether they can go ahead and make a diagnosis and get us started on chemo, or will need to do the bigger-deal biopsy. If getting it EXACTLY right means we need to wait some more and/or undergo more procedures, we’ll take it, of course.
On the hospital social front, V had a big day today with Auntie El who stepped in to give Ki and I some time together away from the hospital. El brought Vava presents and played with her, hung out, played host to visiting friends and family and played April Fool’s tricks on the nurses. Sweet. Thanks El!! Aunt Valerie was also on hand (as ever), helping with basically everything. Vava visited with cousins Nate, Sara, Crystal, Janice and Saul, and friends Lisa, Ani, Lilly, Jessica, Josh and Stephen. On Saturday, V had visits from Lulu, Rosie, Jane, Glen, Lee and again with her pal Jessica who came with Lori. Sorry if I missed anyone!
Stand by for news of either diagnosis or more hunting…